03 December, 2006

Charlotte sits alone

She was sitting by herself toward the back of the room. It wasn't a particularly dark corner that she was sitting in, but it was dark enough that someone not looking for her wouldn't notice her. She hadn't wanted to come, but Marcy had begged and begged until Charlotte had no idea why she was resisting in the first place.

She remembered now. It wasn't that she didn't know anyone there, or want to make new friends. But Marcy's friends weren't the sort of people she was comfortable making small talk with. They were too lewd, too... scary, was all she could think.

She sighed as she checked her watch. It wasn't even midnight yet. There was no way she'd be able to drag her friend home yet. And if it wasn't for the fact that Charlotte knew her friend was getting drunk off her face she would have left hours ago, as soon as she found that there was no one that would be suitable company. But she had to take Marcy home, couldn't leave her there like that.

She'd made a game of counting the couples who'd stumbled into the room she was sitting in, as well as the singles. Then she'd watched them leaving, seeing if they left with the same people or if the singles had hooked up. So far only one couple had come in and left unscathed. In one instance, two couples had switched partners, so Charlotte wondered if that was the way it was meant to be.

Two cat fights and fist fight later, Charlotte checked her watch. Past one. That was good enough. So she rose from her end of the couch (startling the couple on the other end that hadn't noticed her) and went to retrieve her friend.

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